Personnel académique

Kailing Marcus

Kailing Marcus

Suppléante assistante


Kailing Marcus is a PhD candidate at the University of Geneva, her doctoral research focuses on determinants of health and healthcare access among the internal migrants of China under a Universal Health Coverage framework. Under the supervision of Prof. Stéphanie Dagron, Kailing carries out her research project in collaboration with Tsinghua University. This transdisciplinary study examines China’s legislations that pave way to healthcare access, followed by a quantitative analysis for a more profound understanding of other determinants of health and health coverage among Chinese migrant workers.
She has served as a consultant to several ministries of Foreign Affairs on designing global health coverage plans in Middle East conflict zones. She has also collaborated with the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health on investigating the prevalence, determinants and consequences of forgoing health and dental care in Switzerland. Kailing holds a Master of Science in Global Health and a Master of Arts in Sinology from the University of Geneva. Aside from her scientific research, she is also a consultant at the World Health Organization working on poliovirus eradication.


  • Marcus, Kailing & Berner, Delphine & Hadaya, Karine & Hurst, Samia. (2023). Anonymity in Kidney Paired Donation: A Systematic Review of Reasons. Transplant International. 36. 10913. 10.3389/ti.2023.10913.
  • de Mestral, C., Petrovic, D., Marcus, K., Dubos, R., Guessous, I., & Stringhini, S. (2022). Forgoing healthcare in Switzerland. Prevalence, determinants, and consequences. Report commissioned by the Federal Office of Public Health. Bern: FOPH
  • Tušl, M., Thelen, A., Marcus, K. et al. Opportunities and challenges of using social media big data to assess mental health consequences of the COVID-19 crisis and future major events. Discov Ment Health 2, 14 (2022).
  • Petrovic D, Marcus K, Sandoval J, Cullati S, Piumatti G, Bodenmann P, Jackson YL, Durosier Izart C, Wolff H, Guessous I, Stringhini S. Health-related biological and non-biological consequences of forgoing healthcare for economic reasons. Prev Med Rep. 2021 Oct 18;24:101602. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2021.101602. PMID: 34976659; PMCID: PMC8683898.
  • Stringhini S, Wisniak A, Piumatti G, Azman AS, Lauer SA, Baysson H, De Ridder D, Petrovic D, Schrempft S, Marcus K, Yerly S, Arm Vernez I, Keiser O, Hurst S, Posfay-Barbe KM, Trono D, Pittet D, Gétaz L, Chappuis F, Eckerle I, Vuilleumier N, Meyer B, Flahault A, Kaiser L, Guessous I. Seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies in Geneva, Switzerland (SEROCoV-POP): a population-based study. Lancet. 2020 Aug 1;396(10247):313-319. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31304-0. Epub 2020 Jun 11. PMID: 32534626; PMCID: PMC7289564.


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