Syntaxe et psycholinguistique

The manipulation of morphosyntactic features


The manipulation of morphosyntactic features

in the lexical restriction





Adani, Flavia (2008) Re-thinking the acquisition of Relative Clauses in Italian: a new comprehension study with Italian children, in Abner N. & Bishop J. (ed.s) Proceeding of the 27 West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles.

Adani, Flavia, van der Lely, Heather K. J., Forgiarini, Matteo, & Guasti Maria Teresa (2010) Grammatical feature dissimilarities make relative clauses easier: A comprehension study with Italian children, Lingua 120 (9), 2148−2166.

Arosio, Fabrizio, Adani, Flavia, & Guasti Maria Teresa (2009) Grammatical features in the comprehension of Italian Relative Clauses by children, in Gavarrò A. et al. (ed.s) Merging features: Computation, interpretation and acquisition, Oxford, Oxford University Press

Bentea, Anamaria (2015) Intervention effects in language acquisition. The comprehension of A-bar dependencies in French and Romanian, Phd dissertation, University of Geneva, Geneva.

Contemori, Carla, & Marinis Theodoros (2014) The impact of number mismatch and passives on the real-time processing of relative clauses, Journal of Child Language 41(3), 658-689.

Guasti, Maria Teresa, Branchini, Chiara, Arosio, Fabrizio, & Vernice Mirta (2012) A developmental study of subject and object relatives in Italian, Revue Roumaine de Linguistique 72, 105-116.

Guasti, Maria Teresa, Stavrakaki, Stavroula, & Arosio Fabrizio (2008) Number and Case in the comprehension of relative clauses: Evidence from Italian and Greek, in Moscati V. (ed.) STiL – Studies in Linguistics, Volume 2, Università degli Studi di Siena, MIT Press, 101-118.

Guasti, Maria Teresa, Stavrakaki, Stavroula, & Arosio, Fabrizio (2012) Crosslinguistic differences and similarities in the acquisition of relative clauses. Evidence from Greek and Italian, Lingua 122, 700-713.

Manetti, Claudia, Moscati Vincenzo, Rizzi, Luigi, & Belletti Adriana (forthcoming) The role of Number and Gender Features in the Comprehension of Italian Clitic Left Dislocations,  Presentation at the 40th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), Boston, USA.

Yatsushiro, Kazuko, & Sauerland Uli (2017) Relative Clause production in German, Poster Presentation at the 13th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA 13), Palma de Mallorca, Spain.




Adani, Flavia (2012) Some notes on the acquisition of Relative Clauses: New Data and Open Questions, in Bianchi V. & Chesi C. (ed.s) ENJOY LINGUISTICS! Papers offered to Luigi Rizzi on the occasion of his 60th birthday, University of Siena, CISCL Press, 6-13.

Arosio, Fabrizio, Guasti, Maria Teresa, & Stucchi Natale (2011) Disambiguating information and memory resources in children’s processing of Italian relative clauses, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 40, 137−154.

Belletti, Adriana, & Chesi Cristiano (2011) Relative clauses from the input: Syntactic considerations on a corpus based analysis of Italian, in Moscati V. & Servidio E. (ed.s) Stil-Studies in Linguistics, Volume 4, Università degli Studi di Siena, MIT Press, 2281-3128.

Bentea, Anamaria (2015) Intervention effects in language acquisition. The comprehension of A-bar dependencies in French and Romanian, Phd dissertation, University of Geneva, Geneva.

Brandt, Silke, Kidd, Evan, Lieven, Elena, & Tomasello Michael (2009) The discourse bases of relativization: An investigation of young German and English-speaking children's comprehension of relative clauses, Cognitive Linguistics 20 (3), 539-570.

Corrêa, Leticia M.(1995) An alternative assessment of children’s comprehension of relative clauses, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 24 (3), 183–203.

Guasti, Maria Teresa, Branchini, Chiara, Arosio, Fabrizio, & Vernice Mirta (2012) A developmental study of subject and object relatives in Italian, Revue Roumaine de Linguistique 72, 105-116.

Hamann, Cornelia, & Tuller Laurice (2015) Intervention Effects in the Spontaneous Production of Relative Clauses in (A)typical Language Development of French Children and Adolescents, in Di Domenico E., Hamann C. & Matteini S. (ed.s) Structures, Strategies and Beyond: Studies in honour of Adriana Belletti, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 321-343.

Kidd, Evan, Brandt, Silke, Lieven, Elena, & Tomasello Michael (2007) Object relatives made easy: A cross-linguistic comparison of the constraints influencing young children's processing of RCs, Language and Cognitive Processes 22 (6), 860-897.

Martini, K. (2019) Animacy does not help French-speaking children in the repetition of object relatives, in P. Guijarro-Fuentes & C. Suárez-Gómez (eds), Language Acquisition and Development. Proceedings of GALA 2017, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 221-240.

Villata, Sandra (2017) Intervention effects in sentence processing, Phd dissertation, University of Geneva, Geneva.




Adani, Flavia, van der Lely, Heather, Forgiarini, Matteo, & Guasti Maria Teresa (2010) Grammatical feature dissimilarities make relative clauses easier: A comprehension study with Italian children, Lingua 120(9), 2148−2166.

Angelopoulos, Nikos, & Terzi Arhonto (2017) Syntactic Locality and Intervention in the Acquisition of Greek Relative Clauses, Presentation at the 13th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA 13), Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

Arnon, Inbal (2010) Rethinking child difficulty: The effect of NP type on children's processing of relative clauses in Hebrew, Journal of Child Language 37 (1), 1−31.

Belletti, Adriana, Friedmann, Naama, Brunato, Dominique, & Rizzi Luigi (2012) Does gender make a difference? Comparing the effect of gender on children's comprehension of relative clauses in Hebrew and Italian, Lingua 122, 1053-1069.

Biran, Michal, & Ruigendijk Esther (2015) Do case and gender information assist sentence comprehension and repetition for German- and Hebrew-speaking children? Lingua 164, 215-238.

Manetti, Claudia, Moscati Vincenzo, Rizzi, Luigi, & Belletti Adriana (forthcoming) The role of Number and Gender Features in the Comprehension of Italian Clitic Left Dislocations, Presentation at the 40th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), Boston, USA.




AngelopoulosNikos, & Terzi Arhonto (2017) Syntactic Locality and Intervention in the Acquisition of Greek Relative Clauses, Presentation at the 13th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA 13), Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

Arosio, Fabrizio, Yatsushiro, Kazuko, Forgiarini, Matteo, & Guasti Maria Teresa (2012) Morphological Information and Memory Resources in Children's Processing of Relative Clauses in German, Language Learning and Development 8 (4), 340-364.

Biran, Michal, & Ruigendijk Esther (2015) Do case and gender information assist sentence comprehension and repetition for German- and Hebrew-speaking children?  Lingua 164, 215-238.

Costa, João, Friedmann, Naama, Silva, Carolina, & Yachini Maya (2014) The boy that the chef cooked: Acquisition of PP relatives in European Portuguese and Hebrew, Lingua 150, 386-409.

Guasti, Maria Teresa, Stavrakaki, Stavroula, & Arosio Fabrizio (2008) Number and Case in the comprehension of relative clauses: Evidence from Italian and Greek, in Moscati V. (ed.) STiL – Studies in Linguistics, Volume 2, Università degli Studi di Siena, MIT Press, 101-118.

Guasti, Maria Teresa, Stavrakaki, Stavroula, & Arosio Fabrizio (2012) Crosslinguistic differences and similarities in the acquisition of relative clauses. Evidence from Greek and Italian, Lingua 122, 700-713.

Friedmann, Naama, Rizzi, Luigi, & Belletti Adriana (2016). No case for Case in locality: Case does not help interpretation when intervention blocks A-bar chains, Glossa 2(1), 33. 1–18.


The lexical restriction (+N)


Adelt, Anne, Stadie, Nicole, Lassotta, Romy, Adani, Flavia, & Frank Burchert (2017) Feature dissimilarities in the processing of German relative clauses in aphasia, Journal of Neurolinguistics 44, 17-37.

Arnon, Inbal (2010) Rethinking child difficulty: The effect of NP type on children's processing of relative clauses in HebrewJournal of Child Language 37 (1), 1−31.

Avrutin, Sergey (2000) Comprehension of Wh-questions by children and Broca’s aphasics, in Grodzinsky Y., Shapiro L. P. & Swinney D. A. (ed.s) Language and the brain: Representation and processing, San Diego, CA, Academic Press.

Belletti, Adriana, & Contemori, Carla (2012) Subjects in children's object relatives in Italian, Revue Roumaine de Linguistique 57, 117-142.

Bentea, Anamaria (2015) Intervention effects in language acquisition. The comprehension of A-bar dependencies in French and Romanian, Phd dissertation, University of Geneva, Geneva.

Brandt, Silke, Kidd, Evan, Lieven, Elena, & Tomasello Michael (2009) The discourse bases of relativization: An investigation of young German and English-speaking children's comprehension of relative clauses, Cognitive Linguistics 20 (3), 539-570.

Costa, João, Grillo, Nino, & Lobo Maria (2012) Minimality beyond lexical restriction: Processing and acquisition of headed and free wh-dependencies in European Portuguese, Revue Roumaine de Linguistique LVII 2, 143160.

De Vincenzi, Marica, Arduino, Lisa, Ciccarelli, Laura, & Job Remo (1999) Parsing strategies in children comprehension of interrogative sentences, in Bagnara S. (ed.) European Conference on Cognitive Science, Conference Proceedings, Roma, CNR, 301-308.

Friedmann, Naama, Belletti, Adriana, & Rizzi Luigi (2009) Relativised relatives: Types of intervention in the acquisition of A-bar dependencies, Lingua 119, 67-88.

Friedmann, Naama, Szterman, Ronit, & Haddad-Hanna Manar (2010) The comprehension of relative clauses and Wh questions in Hebrew and Palestinian Arabic hearing impairment, in Costa J. et al. (ed.s) Language Acquisition and Development, 3, Proceedings of Gala 2009Cambridge, UK, CSP, 157-169.

Guasti, Maria Teresa, Branchini, Chiara, & Arosio Fabrizio (2012) Interference in the production of Italian subject and object wh-questions, Applied Psycholinguistics 33(1), 185-223.

Haendler, Yair, Kliegl, Reinhold, & Adani Flavia (2015) Discourse accessibility constraints in children's processing of object relative clauses, Frontiers in Psychology 6, 1-17.

Haendler, Yair, Kliegl, Reinhold, & Adani Flavia (2015) The Impact of Pronoun Type and Grammatical Skills on Childrenʼs Processing of Object Relative Clauses, The 39th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) Proceedings, Cascadilla Press.

Kidd, Evan, Brandt, Silke, Lieven, Elena, & Tomasello Michael (2007) Object relatives made easy: A cross-linguistic comparison of the constraints influencing young children's processing of RCs, Language and Cognitive Processes 22 (6), 860-897.

Martini, K., Belletti, A., Contemori, C., Rizzi L. (2018) On the role of lexical restriction and intervention in production: A new angle on the subject-object relatives asymmetry, Proceedings of the 1st SynCart Workshop "From maps to principles", Special Issue of Generative Grammar in Geneva (GG@G), Vol. 11

Varlokosta, Spyridoula, Nerantzini, Michaela, Papadopoulou, Despina, Bastiaanse, Roelien, & Alan Beretta (2014) Minimality effects in agrammatic comprehension: The role of lexical restriction and feature impoverishment, Lingua 148, 80-94.

Varlokosta, Spyridoula, Nerantzini, Michaela, & Despina Papadopoulou (2015) Comprehension asymmetries in language acquisition: a test for Relativized Minimality, Journal of Child Language 41(3), 618-661. 


Villata, Sandra (2017) Intervention effects in sentence processing, Phd dissertation, University of Geneva, Geneva.





The section "Cartography, Locality, and Acquisition"
has been created and edited by Karen Martini  