Syntaxe et psycholinguistique




Enoch Aboh (University of Amsterdam) Vulnerable interfaces: the case of the complementizer system

Adriana Belletti (University of Geneva/University of Siena) Clause internal and clause external cartography: causatives and the marking of some left peripheral topics

Giuliano Bocci (University of Geneva) Licensing Focus Movement: Intonational and metrical properties

Andrea Calabrese (UConn) Locality in morphophonology

Gennaro Chierchia (Harvard University) Weak Crossover: a "dynamic" explanation?

Silvio Cruschina (University of Vienna) Licensing Focus Movement: Distributional and interpretive properties

Hilda Koopman (UCLA) The SSWL database and unifying syntax and morphology

Angelika Kratzer (UMass-Amherst) Evidential moods, speech reports, and the left periphery

Angelika Kratzer & Lisa Selkirk (UMass-Amherst) Focus and Given: Two Distinct Technologies for Discourse Coherence

Andrew Nevins (UCL London)  Keeping Cartography Clean: Postsyntactic Reordering 

Luigi Rizzi (University of Geneva/University of Siena) Cartography and further explanation: Locality and Interface principles

Ian Roberts (University of Cambridge) Null subject parameters and determiner parameters

Lisa Selkirk (Umass Amherst) Structure-Sensitivity in Bantu Sentence Tonology

Ur Shlonsky (University of Geneva) Thinking cartographically about copular constructions




Nikolaos Angelopoulos (UCLA) Decomposing the Greek Complementizers Oti and Pu 

Metin Bagriacik (University of Ghent) The Pragmatic Field in Pharasiot Greek

Caterina Bonan & Lucas Tual (University of Geneva) French wh-in situ: syntax & prosody

Daniele Botteri (University of Siena) The interrogative periphery in Fiorentino

Elena Callegari (University of Oslo) The Left Periphery: Some Notes on the Distribution of Contrastive and Aboutness Topic

Christos Christopolous (University of Connecticut) Post-verbal elements in canonically verb-final languages: variation in Indo-Aryan

Valentina Colasanti (University of Cambridge) On Factivity. Some speculations on the split-CP of some upper-Southern Italian dialects

Silvia D'Ortenzio (University of Venice) Training comprehension and production of restrictive relative clauses: a case study on a cochlear-implanted child

Jamie Douglas (University of Cambridge) Distinctness and the structure and size of (some) English relative clause

Beatrice Giustolisi (University of Milano-Bicocca) Anodal tDCS over Broca’s Area enhances language comprehension

Anna Hollingsworth  (University of Cambridge) Contrasting formal features and interfaces: data from Finnish

Anna Kocher (University of Vienna) Iberoromance Complementizers Revisited: Insights from Root Clause Complementation

Iara Mantenuto (UCLA) Deictic Reinforcers in Teramano: Towards a Cartography of the Demonstrative

Roberto Petrosino (University of Connecticut) The left periphery fragmented: evidence from Italian

Emilio Servidio  (University of Siena) Answering Polar Questions with Narrow Foci: an experiment on Italian

Franziska Stuntebeck (University of Zurich) Argument drop in WhatsApp messages. Truncation or topic drop?

Sandra Villata (University of Geneva) Attraction and similarity-based interference in object gender agreement

Stanislao Zompì (Scuola Superiore Normale of Pisa) Subject-object agreement in Ripano and Coahuilteco: A typological rarity and what it can teach us