Conclusions and follow-up to the international symposium:
"Global Migration/Asylum Governance:
Advancing the International Agenda"
- Symposium Conclusions
- Interactive Workshop and Round Table "The Global Compact on International Migration: Towards More Humane and Coordinated Global Governance?" 18 May 2017
- Summer School "Global and Regional Migration Governance" 19 - 30 June 2017
- Summer School on Higher Education in Emergencies and Crises
- Workshop: Regional Approaches in Migration/Asylum Governance: Advancing the International Agenda
- Migration Summit, Workshop 5 Report: Higher Education and Protection
- Keynote and Round Table ‘International Migration Governance: Chances and Limits’, 5 February 2018 : PDF - link - photos
- The Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees: Advances and Pitfalls - Public Conference - 21 June 2018