The Global Compact on International Migration

Towards More Humane and Coordinated Global Governance?

University of Geneva, 18 Mai 2017

Interactive Workshop (14h15 – 17h30) and Public Round Table (18h15 – 20h00)


The 2016 UN New York Declaration calling for two Global Compacts one on Migration the other on Refugees has broken new ground in the international community's engagement with migration. The consultation process towards a Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration has commenced and among the issues currently under examination is migration governance.
The New York Declaration calls for improved global migration governance. It calls for good migration governance which complies with rule of law, is effective, accountable and inclusive and also contributes to enhanced coordination on international migration. Migration governance will also need to be consistent with the Declaration's commitment to fully and effective protection of human rights.

How should this objective of the New York Declaration be implemented in the Global Compact on Safe Orderly and Regular Migration?

In this workshop and round table we will examine what the constituent elements of good migration governance might be. In order to do this we will include academics specialised in the field but also representatives of International Organizations, NGOs and states around the world to gather views, opinions, proposals and insights into key issues of how to implement good global migration governance. Human rights as an integral part of the New York Declaration means that human rights issues will be incorporated into all of the subjects discussed.

This event is a follow-up to the international Symposium on Global Asylum/Migration Governance held on 10/11 October 2016 at the University of Geneva in the aftermath of the UN Summit on Large Flows of Refugees and Migrants of 19 September 2016 (see

Participation is free, no registration required. Please see the full programme here.
