Awards & Nominations

Awards & distinctions
Anastasija Collen, Lecturer, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received the "2024 Computing’s Top 30 Early Career Professionals" from the IEEE Computer Society
Awards & Distinctions
Dr. Meriem Benyahya, Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received the 2024 GSEM Young Researcher Award
Leonie Braüer, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the University of Geneva Subside Tremplin 2024
Eva Cantoni, Full Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received the GSEM Teaching Engagement Award
Ines Chaieb, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the S&P Global Academic ESG Research Award from The Journal of Impact and ESG Investing for the paper “Nature Risk Management in Domestic and Foreign Institutional Investments”
Nicola Gnecco, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Research Center for Statistics
received the 2024 GSEM Young Researcher Award
Stéphane Guerrier, Assistant Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received the Reproducibility Award from the Journal of the American Statistical Association for the paper "Assessing COVID-19 Prevalence in Austria with Infection Surveys and Case Count Data as Auxiliary Information” (with Professor Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser)
Christina Hertel, Assistant Professor, Institute of Management
received the Best Scholarly Award at the 16th International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC) (with Rossella Rocchino)
Martin Hoesli, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the Real Estate Portfolio Management Award from the American Real Estate Company for the paper "The Volatility of Listed Real Estate in Europe and Portfolio Implications" (with Louis Johner and Jackline Kraiouchkina)
Louis Johner, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the Real Estate Portfolio Management Award from the American Real Estate Company for the paper "The Volatility of Listed Real Estate in Europe and Portfolio Implications" (with Professor Martin Hoesli and Jackline Kraiouchkina)
Jackline Kraiouchkina, Ph.D. Student, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the Real Estate Portfolio Management Award from the American Real Estate Company for the paper "The Volatility of Listed Real Estate in Europe and Portfolio Implications" (with Professor Martin Hoesli and Louis Johner)
Rossella Rocchino, Research Associate, Institute of Management
received the Best Scholarly Award at the 16th International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC) (with Professor Christina Hertel)
Sebastian Raisch, Full Professor, Institute of Management
received the Academy of Management Journal’s Best Reviewer Award at the Academy of Management Annual Conference
Judith Schrempf-Stirling, Associate Professor, Institute of Management
received the Best Conference Paper Award at the 35th IABS Annual Conference for the paper "A Human Rights Approach to Business Responsibility"
Giuseppe Ugazio, Associate Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the GSEM Teaching Impact Award
Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser, Full Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received the Reproducibility Award from the Journal of the American Statistical Association for the paper "Assessing COVID-19 Prevalence in Austria with Infection Surveys and Case Count Data as Auxiliary Information” (with Professor Stéphane Guerrier)
Yuming Zhang, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received a Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Eva Cantoni, Full Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
has been named Specialty Chief Editor for the journal Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
has been named Member of the Board of Directors of the European Regional Section (ERS) of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC)
Diego Kuonen, Adjunct Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
has been named Member of the Scientific Committee of the conference "New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics" (NTTS 2025)
Olivier Scaillet, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
has been named Associate Editor of the Journal of Econometrics
has been reappointed Associate Editor of the Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
Katarzyna Wac, Full Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
has been named Associate Editor of the npj Digital Medicine journal
Awards & Distinctions
Tony Berrada, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the Fidelity Best Paper Award at the SGFIN Research Conference on Sustainability for the paper "The Economics of Sustainability Linked Bonds" (with Professor Rajna Gibson Brandon, Professor Philipp Krüger, and Léonie Engelhardt)
received the Best Paper Award at the 29th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society for the paper "COVID-19 Puzzles: A Resolution"
Leonie Bräuer, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the Swiss Finance Institute Best Discussant Doctoral Award 2023
Federica Braccioli, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the Young Economist Award at the European Economic Association Annual Congress for the paper "The Institutional Role of the Italian Mafia: Enforcing Contracts When the State Does Not"
Léonie Engelhardt, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the Fidelity Best Paper Award at the SGFIN Research Conference on Sustainability for the paper "The Economics of Sustainability Linked Bonds" (with Professor Tony Berrada, Professor Rajna Gibson Brandon, and Professor Philipp Krüger)
Rajna Gibson Brandon, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the SWW Women Award from the Jury from the Swiss Who’s Who
received the Fidelity Best Paper Award at the SGFIN Research Conference on Sustainability for the paper "The Economics of Sustainability Linked Bonds" (with Professor Tony Berrada, Professor Philipp Krüger, and Léonie Engelhardt)
Manuel Hentschel, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received the Best Student Paper Award at EVA 2023 - Extreme Value Analysis Conference for the paper "Statistical Inference for Hüsler-Reiss Graphical Models Through Matrix Completions"
Kyungbo Han, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the Prix William Rappard for the best thesis in the field of sustainability for his thesis "Three Essays on Environmental and Development Economics"
Aneta Havranova, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the Prix Genre 2023
Martin Hoesli, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the Real Estate Investment Award from the American Real Estate Society (ARES) for the paper "The Role of Multi-Family Properties in Hedging Pension Liability Risk: Long-Run Evidence" (with Louis Johner)
Louis Johner, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the Real Estate Investment Award from the American Real Estate Society (ARES) for the paper "The Role of Multi-Family Properties in Hedging Pension Liability Risk: Long-Run Evidence" (with Professor Martin Hoesli)
Sofonias Alemu Korsaye, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the Brattle Group Ph.D. Candidate Award For Outstanding Research at the 2023 Western Finance Association Meeting for the paper "Investor Beliefs and Market Frictions"
had the article, "The Global Factor Structure of Exchange" selected as the 2023 April/May Editor’s Choice in the Journal of Financial Economics (with Professor Fabio Trojani)
Philipp Krüger, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the Fidelity Best Paper Award at the SGFIN Research Conference on Sustainability for the paper "The Economics of Sustainability Linked Bonds" (with Professor Tony Berrada, Professor Rajna Gibson Brandon, and Léonie Engelhardt)
received the Best Paper Award at the 12th Portuguese Finance Network Conference for the paper "Decarbonizing Institutional Investor Portfolios: Helping to Green the Planet or Just Greening Your Portfolio?"
had his article, "Climate Risk Disclosure and Institutional Investors" selected as the 2023 July issue Editor’s Choice paper in the Review of Financial Studies
Diego Kuonen, Adjunct Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received the Søren Bisgaard Award of the Statistics Division of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) for his article "Problem framing: Essential to successful statistical engineering applications”
Jérémy Lucchetti, Associate Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the Swiss Education Research Prize 2023 for the article "Distance Learning in Higher Education: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment" (with Professor Michele Pellizzari)
Avichal Mahajan, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the 2023 GSEM Young Researcher Award
Pia Pannatier, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the University of Geneva Subside Tremplin 2023
Michele Pellizzari, Full Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the Swiss Education Research Prize 2023 for the article "Distance Learning in Higher Education: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment" (with Professor Jérémy Lucchetti)
Sebastian Raisch, Full Professor, Institute of Management
received the 2023 Best Developmental Reviewer Award from the Academy of Management Review
Judith Schrempf-Stirling, Associate Professor, Institute of Management
received the Best Practical Solutions Award 2023 from the Society for Business Ethics for the paper “A Process Model of Organizational Repair Efforts: The Case of U.S. Universities and Antebellum Slavery”
Fabio Trojani, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
had his article, "The Global Factor Structure of Exchange" selected as the 2023 April/May Editor’s Choice in the Journal of Financial Economics
Eva Cantoni, Full Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
has been appointed President of the Federal Statistics Commission
Céline Carrère, Full Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
has been appointed Vice Rector of the University of Geneva
Thomas Fischer, Assistant Professor, Institute of Management
has been appointed Yearly Review Editor of The Leadership Quarterly
Philipp Krüger, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
has been appointed Associate Editor in Finance of Management Science
Diego Kuonen, Adjunct Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
has been appointed Chair of the International Statistical Engineering Association (ISEA)
Markus Menz, Full Professor, Institute of Management
has been reappointed to the Journal of Management Editorial Review Board
Sebastian Raisch, Full Professor, Institute of Management
has been appointed Associate Editor of the Academy of Management Review
Olivier Scaillet, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
has been named Elected Member of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
has been named Fellow of the Journal of Econometrics
has been Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute
Fabio Trojani, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
has been reappointed Editor of the Journal of Financial Econometrics
2022Awards & Distinctions
Oumaima Ajmi, Senior Research Associate, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received the Teaching Innovation Award within the GSEM for her project "E-School training"
Alissa Bentele, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Management
received a Case Teaching Scholarship from The Case Centre
Tony Berrada, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the Best Paper Award at the World Finance Conference 2022 for the paper "COVID-19 Puzzles: A Resolution"
Federica Braccioli, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the University of Geneva Subside Tremplin 2022
Ane Casajús, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Management
received a Case Writing Scholarship from The Case Centre
Thomas Fischer, Assistant Professor, Institute of Management
received The Leadership Quarterly Best Article Award for the article "Ethical leadership: Mapping the terrain for concept cleanup and a future research agenda"
Kateryna Fomina, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Management
was a Behavioral Strategy IG Best Proposal Finalist at the Strategic Management Society 42nd Annual Conference for the article "When Artificial Intelligence Solves Problems: A Technology-Based Theory of Organizational Search" (with Professor Sebastian Raisch)
Martin Hoesli, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the IRES "Bert Kruijt” Service Award from the International Real Estate Society
received the David Ricardo Medal from the American Real Estate Society
Valentin Jouvenot, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the Prix William Rappard for the best thesis in the field of sustainability
Isa Kuosmanen, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the 2022 GSEM Young Researcher Award
Igor Matias, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received the Outstanding YP Member Award from the IEEE Portugal Section
Markus Meierer, Assistant Professor, Institute of Management
received the Rigor and Relevance Research Award from the Swiss Academy of Marketing Science
Cesare Miglioli, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received the Best Paper Award at SC22 - The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis for the paper "ProbGraph: High-Performance and High-Accuracy Graph Mining with Probabilistic Set Representations"
Monika Mrázová, Full Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the Kateřina Šmídková Award from the Czech Economic Society
Sebastian Raisch, Full Professor, Institute of Management
received the Outstanding Bridge Reviewer Mentor award from the Academy of Management Review
was a Behavioral Strategy IG Best Proposal Finalist at the Strategic Management Society 42nd Annual Conference for the paper "When Artificial Intelligence Solves Problems: A Technology-Based Theory of Organizational Search" (with Kateryna Fomina)
Olivier Scaillet, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the Best Asset Pricing Paper Award at the 38th International Conference of the French Finance Association
Katherine Tatarinov, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Management
received the 2022 Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation Award for her thesis "Managing, Structuring and Scaling Innovation in International Organizations"
Alexandra Telychko, Lecturer, Institute of Management
received the University of Geneva Subside Tremplin 2022
Shervin Zakeri, Ph.D. Student, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received a Doc.Mobility grant from the University of Geneva
Tina Ambos, Full Professor, Institute of Management
has been appointed a Board member of the European International Business Academy
Giacomo De Giorgi, Full Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
has been appointed a Panel member of Economic Policy
Rajna Gibson Brandon, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
has been elected to the Bank Council of the Swiss National Bank
Diego Kuonen, Adjunct Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
has been appointed Chair-Elect of the International Statistical Engineering Association
has been elected to the Swiss Digital Initiative’s Label Expert Committee
has been appointed member of the Scientific Committee of the 2023 New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics Conference
Thomas Maillart, Senior Lecturer, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
has been appointed General Chair of the Workshop on the Economics of Information Security
Monika Mrázová, Full Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
has been awarded the Kenen Fellowship from Princeton University
Sebastian Raisch, Full Professor, Institute of Management
has been reappointed to the Academy of Management Journal Editorial Review Board
Olivier Scaillet, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
has been nominated Programme Chair "Econometrics and Empirical Economics" for the European Economic Association - Econometric Society European Meeting 2024
Judith Schrempf-Stirling, Associate Professor, Institute of Management
has been appointed to the Editorial Board of the Business and Human Rights Journal, Cambridge University Press
Fabio Trojani, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
has been elected Fellow of The Society of Financial Econometrics (SoFIE)
has been elected Fellow of the International Association for Applied Econometrics
Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser, Full Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
has been awarded the title of Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute
2021Awards & Distinctions
Ursa Bernardic, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Management
received the UNIGE Subside Tremplin 2021
Gaëlle Cotterlaz-Rannard, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Management
obtained an Early Postdoc.Mobility fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation
Giacomo De Giorgi, Full Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
has been appointed international expert for the World Bank
Sebastian Engelke, Associate Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received the Johann Heinrich Lambert Award 2021 for his contributions in the fields of extreme value theory and graphical models
Gilles Falquet, Associate Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received the ESRI Outstanding Paper in 3D Data Management Award at the 16th 3D GeoInfo Conference and 3D Cadastres Workshop, for the paper "Knowledge graph construction for subsurface objects including uncertainty and time variation" (with Dr. Claudine Métral)
Michel Ferrary, Full Professor, Institute of Management
received the Best Paper Award at the 31st AGRH conference for the paper “Is the research bet enough to be a prestigious university? A Bourdieusian perspective on the business models of nonprofit organizations"
Julien Forbat, Lecturer, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
obtained a Postdoc.Mobility fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation
Nicola Gnecco, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
obtained a Doc.Mobility fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation
Sofonias Alemu Korsaye, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Geneva Finance Research Institute
obtained a Doc.Mobility fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation
Philipp Krüger, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the Best Paper Prize at the 4th Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment Conference for the paper "The Effects of Mandatory ESG Disclosure around the World"
received the Best Conference Paper Award Runner Up at the European Finance Association Annual Meeting
Jérémy Lucchetti, Associate Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the GSEM Teaching Award, following a survey conducted among Bachelor students
Claudine Métral, Senior Lecturer, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received the ESRI Outstanding Paper in 3D Data Management Award at the 16th 3D GeoInfo Conference and 3D Cadastres Workshop, for the paper "Knowledge graph construction for subsurface objects including uncertainty and time variation" (with Professor Gilles Falquet)
Judith Schrempf-Stirling, Associate Professor, Institute of Management
received the 2020 BHRJ Annual Reviewer Award from the Business and Human Rights Journal, Cambridge University Press
Katherine Tatarinov, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Management
received the William Rappard Prize for the best thesis in the field of sustainability
received the 2021 GSEM Young Researcher Award
Katarzyna Wac, Full Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received the Technical Achievement Award in Sensor Systems or Networks – Early Career, from the IEEE Sensors Council
Haotian Xu, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
obtained a Postdoc.Mobility fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation
Yuming Zhang, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
received the UNIGE Subside Tremplin 2021
Tina Ambos, Full Professor, Institute of Management
has been invited to lead a track in the Organizing for Good campaign, a joint initiative of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Organizational Design Community
Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, Adjunct Professor, Institute of Management
has been selected for the #ThinklistImpact, from the Centre for Business, Organisations and Society at the University of Bath
has been appointed co-editor of the Practice in Business Ethics section of the Journal of Business Ethics
has been elected to the advisory group for the Swiss National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights
has been invited to co-chair the PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) Working Group on Business and Human Rights, an initiative of the United Nations Global Compact
has been invited to join the International Gender Champions, Geneva
Rajna Gibson Brandon, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
has been nominated for election to the Bank Council of Swiss National Bank
has been appointed Member of the Academic Research Committee of the Gender Lens Initiative for Switzerland launched by the Sustainable Finance Geneva
has been appointed Member of the Academic Advisory Board of RepRisk
Jaya Krishnakumar, Full Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
has been elected to the International Advisory Board for the project Multidimensional Biodiversity Index of the UN Environment Programme - World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Diego Kuonen, Adjunct Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
has been appointed a member of the Advisory Board of Swissmedic 4.0
has been appointed ad interim Head of Unit of the Competence Network in Artificial Intelligence of the Federal Statistical Office
has been invited to join the Advisory Board of digiVolution
has been invited to join the Board of the International Statistical Engineering Association
2020Awards & Distinctions
Monika Avila Marquez, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the UNIGE Subside tremplin 2020
Michelle Bergadaà, Honorary Professor, Institute of Management
received the Grand Prize for pedagogical innovation 2019 of the Conférence internationale des Dirigeants des institutions d’Enseignement supérieur et de recherche de Gestion d’Expression Française (CIDEGEF), the Fondation nationale pour l’enseignement de la gestion des entreprises (FNEGE) and the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)
Tony Berrada, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the Best Discussion Award at the 8th HEC-McGill Winter Finance Research Workshop
Jean-Christophe Delfim, Ph.D. Student, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the 2020 Nick Tyrrell Research Prize for the paper “Real Estate in Mixed-Asset Portfolios for Various Investment Horizons” (with Professor Martin Hoesli)
received the Special Award from the Association Française des Investisseurs Institutionnels (Af2i) for the same article (with Professor Martin Hoesli)
Giacomo De Giorgi, Full Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the Premio Citibanamex de Economía 2019 for his research work on “The extension of credit and the externalities of sequential banking”
Rajna Gibson Brandon, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the 2020 ICPM Research Award for the paper “Responsible Institutional Investing Around the World” (with Professor Philipp Krüger)
Martin Hoesli, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the 2020 IRES Service Award from the International Real Estate Society
received the David C. Lincoln Fellowships in Land Value Taxation
received the 2020 Nick Tyrrell Research Prize for the paper “Real Estate in Mixed-Asset Portfolios for Various Investment Horizons” (with Jean-Christophe Delfim)
received the Special Award from the Association Française des Investisseurs Institutionnels (Af2i) for the same article (with Jean-Christophe Delfim)
Philipp Krüger, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the PVH Thought Leadership Grant of USD 5’000 from the Fordham Gabelli School of Business
received the 2020 ICPM Research Award for the paper “Responsible Institutional Investing Around the World” (with Professor Rajna Gibson Brandon)
was ranked #1 in Business Administration based on A+ publications (age 40 or below) by
Jérémy Lucchetti, Associate Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the GSEM Teaching Award, following a survey conducted among Bachelor students
Clemente Pignatti, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the "Carlo Dell’Aringa" Young Labor Economists Award 2020 for his paper "Compliance with Labour Legislation in Informal Labour Markets"
Jean-Marc Solleder, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the 2020 GSEM Young Researcher Award for his paper “Market power and export taxes”, published in the European Economic Review
Giacomo De Giorgi, Full Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
has been elected Fellow of the Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development
Sebastian Engelke, Associate Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
has been elected as a member of the International Statistical Institute
Diego Kuonen, Adjunct Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
has been invited to join the ICT Advisory Committee of Statistics Netherlands
Markus Menz, Full Professor, Institute of Management
has been invited to join the Journal of Management Editorial Review Board
Sebastian Raisch, Full Professor, Institute of Management
has been invited to renew his 3-year term as a member of the Journal of Management Studies Editorial Review Board
Olivier Scaillet, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
has been elected Fellow of the International Association for Applied Econometrics
has been invited to renew his 3-year term as Associate Editor at The Econometrics Journal
2019Awards & Distinctions
Martin Hoesli, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the 2019 Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Best Paper Award on valuation and sustainable development for the paper “Heterogeneous Households and Market Segmentation in a Hedonic Framework”, at the 24th Asian Real Estate Society International Conference
Sebastian Krakowski, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Management
received the Best Proposal Award for the Behavioral Strategy Interest Group Track at the annual Strategic Management Society (SMS) conference 2019, for the paper “Algorithms and their impact on decision-making performance: Experimental evidence from the pharmaceutical industry” (with Prof. Sebastian Raisch)
Emmanuel Milet, Lecturer, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
received the Best Referee Award 2018 of the Journal of Economic Geography
Monika Mrázová, Full Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
her paper “Selection Effects with Heterogeneous Firms” is part of the Journal of the European Economic Association (JEEA) Editor’s Choice Collection
received the GSEM Young Researcher Award (with Dr. Jonathan Schad)
Steffen Nauhaus, Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Management
received the SMS Best Conference PhD Paper Prize for the paper "Decision-Making in the Digital Age: Performance Aspirations, Stakeholder Sentiment, and Firm Risk Taking" (with Prof. Sebastian Raisch)
Marcel Paulssen, Full Professor, Institute of Management
received the Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching
Sebastian Raisch, Full Professor, Institute of Management
received the Academy of Management Journal Best Reviewer Award
received the Journal of Management Studies Best Reviewer Award
received the Best Proposal Award for the Behavioral Strategy Interest Group Track at the annual Strategic Management Society Conference 2019, for the paper “Algorithms and their impact on decision-making performance: Experimental evidence from the pharmaceutical industry” (with Sebastian Krakowski)
received the SMS Best Conference PhD Paper Prize for the paper "Decision-Making in the Digital Age: Performance Aspirations, Stakeholder Sentiment, and Firm Risk Taking" (with Steffen Nauhaus)
Jean-Charles Rochet, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received the 2019 Maurice Allais Prize for Economic Science of the Fondation Maurice Allais for the paper "Sovereign Debt Sustainability in Advanced Economies"
Jonathan Schad, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Management
received the GSEM Young Researcher Award (with Professor Monika Mrazova)
Fabio Trojani, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
received a Best Paper Award from the Northern Finance Association for the paper "The Price of the Smile and Variance Risk Premia"
Tina Ambos, Full Professor, Institute of Management
has been appointed member of the UNAIDS Health Innovation Exchange
Eva Cantoni, Full Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
has been appointed member of the Federal Statistics Commission
Julien Daubanes, Assistant Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
has been appointed External Research Affiliate at the MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
Michel Ferrary, Full Professor, Institute of Management
has been invited to join the High Council for Gender Equality of the French Republic
Jaya Krishnakumar, Full Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
has been appointed member of the Statistical Advisory Panel for United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Report
has been appointed member of the United Nations Global Compact SDG platform Advisory Group
Diego Kuonen, Adjunct Professor, Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science
has been invited to join the Editorial Board of Data & Policy
Jérémy Lucchetti, Associate Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
has been appointed member of the Research and Policy Network on Preventing Conflict: Policies for Peace of the Center for Policy Research
Markus Menz, Full Professor, Institute of Management
has been invited to join the Corporate Governance: An International Review Editorial Board
Sebastian Raisch, Full Professor, Institute of Management
has been named member of the Academy of Management Journal Editorial Review Board
has been named Editorial Review Board Member of the Strategic Management Journal
Olivier Scaillet, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
has been awarded the International Francqui Chair
has been named Associate Editor of the Journal of Financial Econometrics
Stephan Sperlich, Full Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics
has been named member of the board of directors of the European Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing
Fabio Trojani, Full Professor, Geneva Finance Research Institute
has been named Editor of the Journal of Financial Econometrics