
Director of the Global Studies Institute (GSI): Prof. Nicolas Levrat

BARI & Master's Management Programmes
Bachelor en relations internationales (BARI): Prof. Nicolas Levrat
The Master in European Studies: Prof. Sandra Lavenex
The Master Russia - East Central Europe: Prof. Korine Amacher
The Master in Middle Eastern Studies: Prof. Bruce Fudge (ad interim)
The Master in African Studies: Dr. Didier Péclard
The Master of Science in Global Health: Prof. Stéphanie Dagron

Administrative Director: Barbara Laurent-Lucchetti
Head of the Student Services: Sandrine Chollet
Web and social networks: David Gonzalez

Events and Conferences
Frédéric Esposito
Keren Di Marino

Publications: Marc Roissard de Bellet

Academic advisor
Caroline Aepli (BARI and exchange students)
Monica Gonzalez (BARI)
Marc Pochon (BARI candidate)
Maud Preher (masters & PhD)
Bogomil Kohlbrenner (Master of Science in Global Health)

Student Services
Victor Fernandez
Sandrine Gueniat
Sylvie Love
Annina Pfund