Divided Memories, Shared Memories Poland, Russia, Ukraine: History Mirrored in Literature and Cinema - Conference 13&14 December 2018
Route de Drize 9, Carouge
Building A | Ground floor
Global Studies Institute
10, rue des Vieux-Grenadiers, Genève
Lecture hall 3H8 | 3rd floor
Prof. Korine Amacher,
Dr. Eric Aunoble,
Prof. Andrii Portnov
In Central and Eastern European countries, memorial questions appeared right after the demise of the communist regimes in 1989–1991, revealing long-denied processes. The phenomenon of the rise of repressed memories along with the rewriting of history, and the political uses of the past are noticeable in Poland, Russia, and Ukraine, three countries whose histories are as often shared as their memories are divided. Representations of events and historical figures that have had a resonance in Russia, Poland, and Ukraine in the literature and cinema of the 20th and 21st centuries will be the subject of this multidisciplinary and international conference.
Download the program (PDF)
Conference organized as part of the Project:
Divided Memories, Shared Memories.
Ukraine / Russia / Poland (20th-21st Centuries):
An Entangled History
supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation
10 novembre 20182018