
GSI Working Papers

Les GSI Working Papers constituent une publication online disponible sur le site web du Global Studies Institute (GSI) et répertoriée dans les archives ouvertes de l’UNIGE. Il s’agit d’une série de publications pour les chercheurs-seuses de tout niveau, affilié-e-s au GSI. Peuvent en conséquence être soumis : des projets de recherche menés par les étudiant-e-s du Bachelor en Relations internationales (BARI), des travaux de séminaires des étudiant-e-s des Masters du GSI (autres que les mémoires de Master, qui ont leurs propres modalités de publication) ainsi que des projets d’articles académiques ou de contributions à des publications collectives des professeur-e-s, chercheurs-seuses, enseignant-e-s et doctorant-e-s affilié-e-s au GSI. Les GSI Working Papers est une publication en accès libre disposant d’un numéro ISSN et soumise à l’évaluation par les pairs.

Editorial Board

Working Papers du GSI

Kyrgyz-Tajik Border Delimitation Dispute A Legal Analysis

Annick Peter

GSI Working Paper BA LAW 2024/01


Public International Law Border Delimitation Central Asia Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan Territorial Disputes

Applicability of the Jus in Bello to Cyber Operations Against Civilian Data: A Legal Grey Zone in the Protection of Data

Daniela Wildi

GSI Working Paper BA LAW 2023/04


International humanitarian law Military cyber operations Civilian data protection Cyberspace Cyber attacks

A reflection on the 2015 ITLOS Advisory Opinion: the issue with speaking of a flag State responsibility for ‘IUU fishing’ in the EEZ

Nicolas Strübin

GSI Working Paper BA LAW 2023/03


IUU fishing illegal fishing activities EEZ 2015 ITLOS Advisory Opinion flag States obligation

Defining the Actus Reus of Sexual Violence as a Crime against Humanity: Developments in International Criminal Law

Luisa Baumann

GSI Working Paper BA LAW 2023/02


Sexual violence crimes against humanity International Criminal Court International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

Regulation or capacity for the EU’s fiscal future? From the Werner and McDougall reports to the current conjuncture

Christakis Georgiou

GSI Working Paper PhD SPO 2023/01


fiscal rules fiscal capacity EMU

Legal limitations to the Security Council’s sanctions under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations: The case of North Korea

Eva Fischer

GSI Working Paper BA LAW 2022/02

Mots clés

International law Security Council North Korea
sanctions regime legal limitations

Crise sanitaire et état d’exception – L’inéluctable bifurcation vers un mode de gouvernance illibéral ?

Flore L. Vanackère

GSI Working Paper PhDc LAW 2022/01

Mots clés

state of exception fundamental rights institutional balance
complexity theory bifurcation

Les flux migratoires en Méditerranée : les perspectives du droit de la mer et du droit international des droits de l’homme

Silvia Sargenti

GSI Working Paper BA LAW 2021/06


Flux migratoires Boat people Droit de la mer
Droit international des droits de l’homme Principe de non-refoulement

European Institutions in Trouble: The impact of Euro Crisis on EU’s ‘single institutional framework’

Flore Vanackère, Yuliya Kaspiarovich

GSI Working Paper PhDc PhD LAW 2021/05 


Single institutional framework Euro crisis EU legal order
Art. 13 TEUESM

L’uti possidetis et son application dans le cadre de la sécession

Margaux Germanier

GSI Working Paper BA LAW 2021/04


Uti possidetis Effectivité Sécession
Frontières Autodétermination des peuples

L’office du juge régional africain dans la consolidation démocratique au sein des États

Martial Zongo

GSI Working Paper PhD LAW 2021/03


Démocratie Droits de l’Homme Juge régional africain

Environmental Protection in Antarctica: Applicability as the Achilles’ Heel of the 1991 Protocol

Pierre Akerib

GSI Working Paper BA LAW 2021/02


Jurisdiction Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty Environment Tourism

Soins palliatifs et assistance humanitaire d’urgence : Projets spécifiques des organisations humanitaires et vécu des expatriés y engagés

Martin Schneider

GSI Working Paper PhD MED 2021/01


Palliative care pain management relief work
noncommunicable diseases opioids

Corporate reconstructions of federal macroeconomic government institutions compared: United States then, Europe Now

Christakis Georgiou

GSI Working Paper PhD SPO 2020/05


comparative federalism comparative historical analysis corporate capitalism
central banking fiscal federalism

e-Participation in global health organizations

Jérôme Duberry

GSI Working Paper PhD SPO 2020/04


information and communication technologies digital technologies e-participation
international organizations global health governance

The risks with the development of Lethal Autonomous Weapon
Systems and approaches to tackle them

Simon M. Stocker

GSI Working Paper BA INTD 2020/03


LAWS Autonomous Weapons Risk MoratoriumInterdisciplinarity

Les enfants réfugiés de la révolution hongroise de 1956 en Yougoslavie : entre tensions géopolitiques et efforts de coopération humanitaire

Elisa Mallaeva

GSI Working Paper MA HIST 2020/02


Révolution hongroise de 1956 Yougoslavie enfants réfugiés crise humanitairecoordination inter-agence

From embedded liberalism to the neoliberal growth paradigm: is the United States still willing to be in charge of the ILO?

Florent Pepin-Proulx

GSI Working Paper PhD SPO 2020/01


United States foreign policy embedded liberalism isolationisminternational liberal order

Adjusting to the corporate consensus: Corporate power and the resolution of the Eurozone crisis

Christakis Georgiou

GSI Working Paper PhD SPO 2019/04


Eurozone crisis corporate reconstruction corporate power fiscal liability mutualisationfinancial repression

Le conservatisme américain et Donald Trump

Blaise Fontanellaz

GSI Working Paper PhD SPO 2019/03

Mots clés

Conservatisme populisme droite États-Unis

Are EU member States still States according to International Law?

Nicolas Levrat, Yuliya Kaspiarovich

GSI Working Paper Prof. PhDc LAW 2019/02


Mixed agreements Brexit EEA agreement VCLT federal principle

Brexatom : Conséquences et perspectives de la sortie de l’Euratom par le Royaume-Uni

Svea Pillard

GSI Working Paper BA LAW 2019/01

Mots clés

Brexit Euratom article 50 TUE article 106bis Traité Euratom garanties nucléaires