Constantin Hruschka

Dr. Constantin Hruschka works as head of the protection department at the Swiss Refugee Council. He studied law, history and philosophy in Würzburg, Poitiers and Paris. Subsequently he worked as a scientific researcher at the Universities of Würzburg and Munich. After his bar exam in 2002 he also started working as a lawyer in Munich before he joined UNHCR in 2004. Constantin Hruschka worked for UNHCR between 2004 and 2014 in Nuremberg and in Geneva. In addition to his work with OSAR he is teaching European and European Asylum Law mainly at the Universities of Bielefeld (Germany) and Fribourg. He is an expert member of the EASO working group on vulnerable persons and was appointed as a member of the Swiss Federal Commission on Migration in December 2015.

He has written (mostly in German) a number of articles on the Swiss and the European Asylum system with a focus on the Dublin system. The most recent articles in English are: Access to Asylum Procedures for Victims of Trafficking under a Human Rights based approach, in: Maria O’Sullivan/Dallal Stevens, Fortresses and Fairness – States, the Law and Access to Refugee Protection, Hart Publishing, 2016 (with Nula Frei, currently in the editing process) and The (reformed) Dublin III Regulation—a tool for enhanced effectiveness and higher standards of protection? in ERA Forum 15, p. 469-483.

He has also commented alongside with Francesco Maiani on the Dublin-III-Regulation in: Kay Hailbronner/Daniel Thym, EU Immigration and Asylum Law. A Commentary, 2nd edition, C.H.Beck 2016.
