Workshop 7: Responsibility-sharing for refugee protection

Location: Uni Dufour 364


  • How do contemporary national, regional and international policies conceive responsibility-sharing in international protection?
  • How can relocation/resettlement schemes be improved?
  • Which lessons can be drawn from other fields of international cooperation for fostering international solidarity?
  • What is the role of States, international organizations, regional and local authorities, civil society partners and the private sector in responsibility-sharing?


Speakers (please click on the speaker to read the bio):

- Fulvio Vassallo Paleologo and Elena Consiglio, Università di Palermo
- Alexis Vahlas, Université de Strasbourg
- Jeannette Money, UC Davis with Jaime Jackson, UC Davis
- Rose Cuison Villazor, UC Davis
- Eiko Thielemann, London School of Economics
- Charles Heller, Centre for Migration and Refugee Studies, American University, Cairo and the Centre d’Etudes et de Documentation Economiques, Juridiques et Sociales, Cairo
- Madeline Garlick, UNHCR
- Joachime Nason, Delegation of the European Union to the UN Office and other international organisations in Geneva


Moderator: Sandra Lavenex, University of Geneva
