Workshop 10: Vulnerable migrants and children’s rights
Location: St-Ours 019
- Presentation of the normative framework regarding migrant children, with a focus on unaccompanied migrant children;
- Regular vs irregular migrations: which rights for the "clandestine children"? The example of education
- How to determine the "best interests" (BID) of the migrants' children?
- Separated Children in Europe Programme, SCEP?
- The difficult issues of the left behind children?
- Gender-related impacts and vulnerabilities throughout the migration process, in countries of origin, destination, and during migration journeys
Speakers (please click on the speaker to read the bio):
- Paola Riva Gapany, Director, International Institute for Children's rights (IDE), Sion
- Aline Sermet, Expert, IDE
- Snejana Sulima, CIDE -UNIGE and CERFAP - University of Bordeaux
- Jyothi Kanics, Research Fellow NCCR-on the move, Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne
- Monique Nanchen, ICRC, Geneva
- Audrey Rinaldi, UNCRC Committee, OHCHR
- Rolf Widmer, President of ISS, Geneva
- Olivier Geissler, Director of ISS, Geneva
- Lorène Métral, Terre des Hommes, Lausanne and ADEM
- Constantin Hruschka, OSAR
- Trine Gronborg, Counsellor on Migration, EU Delegation to the UN, European External Action Service
- Daniel Burnat, Children Rights expert, IDE
- Jean Zermatten, Children Rights expert, IDE
Moderator: Philip D. Jaffé, Director, CIDE, UNIGE, Sion Campus
Organized by: Institut international des droits de l'enfant