Christiane Kuptsch

Christiane Kuptsch works as Senior Specialist in Migration Policy at the International Labour Office in Geneva, having joined the ILO in 1992. Since 2008, she is with the ILO’s Labour Migration Branch, inter alia responsible for coordinating research activities; she is also a member of the ILO’s Future of Work Team, created in 2016. From 2008 to 2013 she served on the Academic Advisory Board of the Zeit Stiftung’s Settling Into Motion – The Bucerius Ph.D. Scholarship Programme in Migration Studies, and she has been a member of the International Advisory Board of the journal Population, Space and Place since 2007. She is a political scientist, specialized in International Relations (Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva), with a background in law (University of Hamburg).

Her publications examine issues such as temporary migration; the protection of migrant workers; student migration; migrants’ labour market integration; inequalities and migrant workers; labour migration governance; migrant recruitment agents; the competition for highly skilled workers; questions of migration and development; and the internationalization of labour markets.
