Andrea Milan

Dr. Andrea Milan is a Programme Analyst on Migration with the Economic Empowerment Section (Policy Division) of UN Women. Andrea’s main duties and responsibilities are related to UN Women’s role as Chair of the Global Migration Group in 2016. Andrea is also contributing to UN Women’s broader work on migration, including a project on human and labor rights of women migrant workers in Mexico, Moldova and the Philippines.

Between 2009 and 2010, Andrea was an intern at the United Nations Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination (UNDESA-OESC) as well as the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development (UNDESA-DSD). Between February 2011 and November 2015 he worked for the United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS). At UNU-EHS he conducted trainings and empirical research on migration in Bangladesh, Guatemala, Haiti, Kiribati, Mexico, Nauru, Peru and Tuvalu. Between 2013 and 2015 he has also lectured students and policymakers in Germany, Guatemala, Italy and the Netherlands.

Andrea holds a PhD in Governance and Policy Analysis from Maastricht University (the Netherlands). His Thesis was titled “Rural livelihoods, location and vulnerable environments: Approaches to migration in mountain areas of Latin America”. He has authored and co-authored several academic articles, policy briefs and book chapters on migration. He is also the lead editor of a book on “Migration, Risk Management and Climate Change: Evidence and Policy Responses” which will be published as part of Springer’s Global Migration Issues book series in late 2016.
