Barbara Moser-Mercer

Barbara Moser-Mercer is Professor of conference interpreting and founder and Director of InZone, University of Geneva.

Her research focuses on cognitive and cognitive neuro-science aspects of the interpreting process, the human performance dimension of skill development, and on factors that enable digital learning in fragile contexts. Through the development and installation of InZone Higher Education Spaces in refugee camps in the Horn of Africa and in MENA she has expanded InZone’s mission to design and implement innovative digital learning models for Higher Education in Emergencies working in close collaboration with UNHCR, the International Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), ICRC, INGOs and higher education institutions in the Global North and South. She was a member of the High Level Group on Multilingualism of the EU Commission, and coordinated the European Masters in Conference Interpreting.

She is also an active conference interpreter, member of AIIC.
