Philippe Rekacewicz

Born in 1960, Philippe Rekacewicz is double national French and American. He is Geographer, cartographer/Information designer and journalist. After the completion of his study in geography at  University of Paris la Sorbonne, he became in 1988 a permanent collaborator of the international newspaper Le Monde diplomatique in Paris which he left in 2014. From 1996 to 2007, he was also heading the cartographic unit of a relocated office of UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) in Norway (UNEP/GRID-Arendal). Since 2014, he works as a geographer cartographer for art museum, geopolitical institutes and international organizations. He is co-coordinator, with Philippe Rivière, of the website and also teach as a visiting professor in various universities in Europe (London, Dublin, Zurich, Geneva).

He follows particularly issues such as demography, refugees and displaced persons, migration and statelessness persons. More broadly, geopolitics and geostrategy, war and conflicts as well as social territories, public and private space. Philippe Rekacewicz works also on number of other project which bring together cartography, art and politics, especially studying how communities, political or economical  powers produce the cartographic vision of the territories on which they operate, And how they can manipulate an lies with maps.
