Spring School of Global Health


Spring School in Global Health 2025: Focus on Global Mental Health


The 2025 edition of the Spring School in Global Health will take place from Monday, 7 April to Friday, 11 April 2025 in Geneva, Switzerland. This year’s theme will focus on Global Mental Health, combining scientific evidence with policy perspectives. The (leadership) course is co-organized by the UNIGE Institute of Global Health, Haute école de santé de Genève (HEdS), WHO & the WHO Collaborating Centre in Mental Health SWI54 and will have joint and separate sessions for the different participants.  

The Spring School will feature speakers from a range of international organizations and universities, offering both Swiss examples and global perspectives. As part of the Institute of Global Health and its PhD program & the WHO leadership course, the event will provide an in-depth look at current global mental health challenges and approaches.

See the global program below, more details about the speakers will be shared early 2025.

Registration is open through our portal.


Spring school program_updated.png


ECTS Credits 

Course is granted  2 ECTS (Europeen Credits Transfer System) corresponding to 25-30 hours of study work.

OTher Credits 

the Spring School courses are acknowledged by the Swiss Medical Society of Public Health (Schweizerische Gesellschaft der Fachärztinnen und Fachärzte für Prävention und Gesundheitswesen). Medical practitioners, holders of a federal postgraduate qualification or a recognised foreign postgraduate qualification and practising  medicine in Switzerland, can be awarded 5 credits per day, up to a maximum of 25 credits for a full week curriculum.

Eligibility Requirements

Priority is given to PhD students registered at Swiss School of Public Health + (SSPH+), other PhD students, mission representatives and health attachés, participants from low and middle-income countries (LMICs) and any other professionals or students equipped with master degrees in the (various) fields of Global Health.