Colloques de l'ISG
The next "Colloque de l'ISG" will take place on :
- Date : 4 March 2025
- from 11:45 am to 01:45 pm (Lunch 11:45 am - 12:15 pm / Talk 12:15 pm -01:45 pm)
- Meeting room Institut of Global Health - G6.02
- Registration mandatory via link or by email
- Colloque also available on zoom - Please note that upon registering for the conference, you agree that it will be streamed live online and recorded.
This presentation validates 2 credits in Prevention and Public Health. A fee of 25.- is charged for participants who wish to receive a certificate with FMH credits in Prevention and Public Health.
“Global Health Diplomacy from a practitioner point of view”
Dr. Wahid Majrooh, MD, MSc, MA, MAS
Former Minister of Public Health of Afghanistan
Founder & Executive Director
Afghanistan Center for Health and Peace Studies (ACHPS)
Academic Fellow, Geneva Humanitarian Studies Center
Executive-in-Residence Fellow, Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP)
“The intersect of Global Health and Diplomacy”
Professor Michel Kazatchkine
Senior advisor to the Regional Office of WHO for Europe
Senior Fellow, The Geneva Graduate Institute
Course Director, Institut de Santé Globale, UNIGE
This presentation will discuss the rapidly expanding field of global health diplomacy.
Health challenges transcend not only borders but also North-South, East-West, and public-private divides. Global challenges require a comprehensive and coordinated response of the international community. The relationship-building and negotiation processes that are at the heart of health diplomacy aim at building that response and reinforcing global solidarity; no country is safe unless all are safe. Global health diplomacy brings about agreements that are scientifically credible and politically achievable. It covers areas of health as diverse as pandemics, obesity, AMR and political, economic and commercial determinants of health. Global health diplomacy is an important component of a multilateral order that seeks to contribute to a well-functioning global order that is being challenged by recent political developments.
- Date : 19 March 2025
- from 11:45 am to 01:45 pm (Lunch 11:45 am - 12:15 pm / Talk 12:15 pm -01:45 pm)
- Campus Biotech, Room H8-01-D
- Registration mandatory via link or by email
- Colloque also available on zoom - Please note that upon registering for the conference, you agree that it will be streamed live online and recorded.
This presentation validates 2 credits in Prevention and Public Health. A fee of 25.- is charged for participants who wish to receive a certificate with FMH credits in Prevention and Public Health.
Five years towards the UHC goal: The role of law and finance
Prof. Dr. iur. Stéphanie Dagron
“Setting the scene: Law and Universal Health Coverage”
The implementation of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in all countries of the world is often presented as essential to the achievement of various objectives such as the achievement of SDG 3 on health and well-being, the strengthening of global health security or the achievement of health equity. This presentation will focus on the multiple functions attributed to UHC and examine the key role of law in country’s progressive realisation of UHC.
Stéphanie Dagron is professor of law, teaching public health law, international health and social security law. She is a faculty member of both the faculties of law and medicine and is affiliated with the Global Studies Institute (GSI) and the Institute of Global Health.
Hélène Barroy, MSc, PhD
“Universal Health Coverage: The role of domestic public finance”
This presentation will delve into the pivotal role of domestic public financing in advancing UHC. It will unpack key financing concepts and health expenditure data trends, particularly for low- and middle-income countries, drawing on the latest research from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Hélène Barroy is a Senior Public Finance Expert with the WHO and a lecturer at the GSI, UNIGE. She is a globally recognized expert on public financing for health, with 25 years of professional experience, including roles at the WHO, World Bank, and various governments.
POSTPONED to Spring 2025
"Clean hands to Clean Hospitals"
Professor Didier Pittet, MD, MS, CBE
Professor of medicine (hon), Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva
Chair, Clean Hospitals, Former director, Infection Control Program, University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland
Dre Alexandra Peters, PhD
Scientific Lead for Clean Hospitals,
Institute of Global Health