Colloques de l'ISG

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The next "Colloque de l'ISG" will take place on :

  • Date : 28 June 2024
  • from 11:45 am to 01:45 pm (Lunch 11:45 am - 12:15 pm / Talk 12:15 pm -01:45 pm)
  • Meeting room Institut of Global Health - G6.02
  • Colloque also available on zoom
    Please note that upon registering for the conference, you agree that it will be streamed live online and recorded.
  • This presentation validates 2 credits in Prevention and Public Health. A fee of 25.- is charged for participants who wish to receive a certificate with FMH credits in Prevention and Public Health.


Professor Reto Auer

Professor Extraordinary, Head of Substance Use Sector & University Centre for General Medicine and Public Health (Unisanté), Lausanne. Chartered Doctor


 « Tobacco smoking, smoking cessation drugs and further nicotine delivery systems. Risks for somatic health, addictive potential and their significance for smoking/nicotine cessation interventions.»

Tobacco smoking is a chronic condition with deadly consequences. Smoking cessation counseling until two decades ago was relatively straightforward: support tobacco smoking abstinence with smoking cessation drugs and nicotine replacement therapy for a limited time with the main goal of abstinence of tobacco and nicotine. The sharp increase in availability and uptake of further nicotine delivery system such as E-cigarettes, tobacco heated products, snus and nicotine pouches challenges the core principles of tobacco treatment, with harm/risk reduction proposed as an alternative path to smoking abstinence where nicotine abstinence for some becomes an option, but not the main goal. The wide availability of these products also challenges the place of healthcare providers as the sole drivers of smoking abstinence support and counseling. In this interactive presentation, we will explore the potential adverse health effects, the potential for developing addictive behavior of various nicotine delivery systems and their availability and reflect on smoking cessation strategies for the future.



Professor Jean-François Etter

Honorary Professor of Public Health at University of Geneva.


«The challenges of new nicotine and tobacco products»

In recent years, many new nicotine and tobacco products have appeared on the market. This new situation poses a challenge: should these innovations be welcomed or opposed, how should these new products be regulated, do they undermine traditional anti-tobacco policies, what advice should health professionals give to smokers, how can young non-users be protected, and should policies prioritize young non-users or current smokers? These issues are the subject of passionate debate between proponents and opponents of harm reduction, and the science on these topics is not immune to these passions.





  • Date : 25 June 2024
  • from 11:45 am to 01:45 pm (Lunch 11:45 am - 12:15 pm / Talk 12:15 pm -01:45 pm)
  • Meeting Room Institute of Global Health G6-02
  • Registration mandatory via link or by email
  • Colloque also available on zoom - Please note that upon registering for the conference, you agree that it will be streamed live online and recorded.
  • This presentation validates 2 credits in Prevention and Public Health. A fee of 25.- is charged for participants who wish to receive a certificate with FMH credits in Prevention and Public Health.