Mr. Humberto Laudares
Ph.D. candidate
Humberto Laudares is a Ph.D. candidate in Global Health at the University of Geneva under Prof. Nicolas Ray's supervision. He holds a Ph.D. in Development Economics from the Graduate Institute, Geneva, a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from Columbia University, and bachelor's degrees in Social Sciences and Business Administration from University of Sao Paulo Getulio Vargas Foundation, respectively.
He has 15 years of experience working with economic policy and monitoring and evaluation in international organizations, such as the World Bank and the Global Fund, and Brazil's public sector. He also co-founded key nationwide grassroots movements in Brazil to promote civic engagement and shape the political debate, and he was a regular columnist in a relevant news outlet. Currently, he is based in Zurich, from where he consults to UNCTAD and other organizations.
His research interest lies in empirically understanding how the relationships between health, infrastructure, and environmental factors help explain inequalities and development. For instance, in his most recent paper, he estimates that deforestation explains 22% of the COVID-19's transmission to the Brazilian indigenous peoples. He is currently also working on a research project to map the accessibility of health services to the Brazilian indigenous peoples.
Laudares, H (2020), “Is deforestation spreading COVID-19 to the indigenous peoples?”, COVID Economics 53, CEPR.
Laudares, H (2020), “Qual é a resposta para a retomada econômica brasileira no contexto do COVID-19?”, Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo (CLAD).
Laudares, H.; Valencia, F.; Fujiwara, T. “Tordesillas, slavery and the origins of Brazilian inequality”. Link
Laudares, H. From Telegraphs to Space: Transport Infrastructure, Development and Deforestation in the Amazon.
Laudares, H. Ready to Tax: What Happens When Brazilian Municipalities Invest in Fiscal Capacity?. Link
Laudares, H. (2012). “Gestão Pública para o Desenvolvimento'' in Mauricio Moura and Sidney Nakahodo (eds.), Fazendo as Malas: histórias de jovens que contribuem para o Brasil a partir de suas experiências no exterior. Editora Saraiva.
Manning, N.; Shepherd, G.; Laudare, H.; Blum, J. (2009). “Reformas de Gestão Pública: o que a América Latina tem a aprender com a OCDE?'' in Paulo Medeiros and Evelyn Levy (eds.), Novos Caminhos da Gestão Pública - Olhares e Dilemas.. CONSAD (National Council of Administration State Secretaries), Qualitymark Editora.