Doctoral program in Global Health (PhD)

Program Governance

All responsibility for the academic conduct, standards, and requirements of the doctoral program rests with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva, through its duly appointed and elected officers and representatives, in accordance with internal directives and university policies.

All PhD candidates must register and become members of the Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+) and are required to adhere to the rules and regulations of SSPH+.

Director of the PhD program

The Director,  who chairs the  Steering  Committee  of the  PhD program,  is responsible for all academic and administrative affairs of the program, including administration of academic conduct, standards, and requirements. In addition, the Director is responsible for recommending admissions, financial support, approving PhD dissertation committee chairs and members, advising these committees on interpretation of policies and requirements, ruling on all petitions in accordance with the regulations and guidelines of the Medical Faculty of the University of Geneva and those of the SSPH+, and fulfilling  any other administrative duties or responsibilities delegated by the Dean of the Medical Faculty.

Steering and scientific CommitteeS

The Steering Committee of the PhD program in Global Health is chaired by the Director of the program, and is an advisory board (of 5 permanent members) recommending and advising the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine with regard to all issues related to the PhD Program (e.g., selection of applicants to the program, validation of doctoral committees, validation of theses jury for defences).

Coordinating Committee

The Coordinating committee of the PhD program in Global Health is in charge of the practical application of the decisions made by the steering committee and ensures direct contact with all applicants and registered students. 

